THE QUALITY OF MERCY Featuring the fifth Doctor (no continuity placement) I found this superbly sinister still of Anthony Ainley's Master, who I've so far only featured on a 'joke' cover (see Short Trips and Side Steps) and created my own cut-price Eye of Harmony to boot! There's potential for a decent Fifth Doctor/Master story, exploring the Master's bizarre monomanical obsession with the Doctor. The title is a line from 'THE MERCHANT OF VENICE', another famous line from which is "am I not more sinned against than sinning?", a good motif for perhaops exploring a sympathetic angle to the Master? |
A NIGHT AT THE OPERA Featuring the fifth Doctor and Nyssa, Adric and Tegan, this adventure takes place between THE VISITATION and BLACK ORCHID. Space opera? A cover featuring my favourite TARDIS team (blame it on my youth). That's Dave Bowie (in his Labyrinth guise), who I decided to use as a recurring character on a trilogy of Fifth Doctor covers. The supposed setting is a fairly stock mix of influences from "The Curse Of Peladon", Fourth Doctor annual story "The Voton Terror", "The Fifth Element" and "Phantom Of The Opera": a galactic federation conference on a space station, with an assassination plot taking place backstage during an opera presented as entertainment for the delegates. The TARDIS crew turn up, taking the place of delegates from the Gatchaman Science Ninja Team. Oh, and an alien princess tries to get off with a coy Doctor! |
KINDERTOTENLIEDER Featuring the fifth Doctor (post-EARTHSHOCK, natch). Self-explanatory if you get the reference. "Kinder Toten Lieder" is a Mahler composition, which translates as "Songs for the death of children". Morbid, me? |
A case of "leave the man, it's the girl we want!" I had an idea for a story where the Daleks are after a superior humanoid brain for their battle computer, but of course it's not the Doctor they want... Which would at least make for a mildly amusing situation of the Doctor trying to conceal being put-out, Pertwee-style, at the fact that the Daleks value Nyssa's intelligence more than his. My original cover was a rather poor Missing Adventure one (see thumbnail, right) before I came up with this far more preferable BBC-style design, with a much better title - apologies to the estate of Denis Wheatley! Click here for a Big Finish-style CD cover for this story |
ART DECADE Featuring the fifth Doctor and Tegan and Turlough, this adventure takes place between ENLIGHTENMENT and THE KING'S DEMONS. Germany during the rise and fall of the Weimar Republic is one of my favourite (ie most interesting) periods in modern history, and would make a great setting for a story. You can just imagine shifty Turlough being swayed by the National Socialists, although I stopped short of kitting Tegan out into "Cabaret" gear, heh heh. The cover features a Weimar-era German coin and a First Reich medal, with red velvet curtains for that appropriate decadent touch. Click here for a Big Finish-style CD cover for this story |
A DAY AT THE RACES Featuring the fifth Doctor and Tegan and Turlough, this adventure takes place between THE CRYSTAL BUCHEPHALUS and THE FIVE DOCTORS. The third of my Dave-featuring trilogy, and a titular companion to "A Night At The Opera". A bit outside of the TV series' budget, I envisioned a galactic spaceship race (a la the podrace in "Phantom Menace") as being the backdrop to this story/cover. See if you can identify the spaceships at the bottom of the cover! |
AGRESSIVE VEGETATION Featuring the fifth Doctor and Tegan and Turlough, this adventure takes place between DEEP BLUE and THE AWAKENING. A token MA contribution to the 'old comeback' policy of mid-'80s Who - the Krynoids actually come from the Target reissue of "The Claws Of Axos", where the artist obviously got his source pictures muddled up :-> |
STEALTH INVASION Featuring the fifth Doctor and Tegan, Turlough and Ford Prefect, this adventure takes place between DEEP BLUE and THE AWAKENING. The green background is supposed to represent a rutan. And yes, that is a certain field researcher for a galactic guide! |
MISSION TO THE UNKNOWN Featuring the fifth Doctor and Will Chandler, this adventure takes place between THE AWAKENING and THE TIDES OF TIME. Generic MA cover for who many people believe is one of the 'companions that should have been', young Will Chandler. |
A SWITCH IN TIME Featuring the fifth Doctor, this adventure takes place between THE SIRENS OF TIME and EXELCIS DAWNS. This is a second version of a cover that I originally created in the Missing Adventures style, which can be found on the Fourth Doctor page, where it is discussed. I quite like this cover, simple but effective, and nice colours! |